Our Team
BREAUX and Company has assembled a team of undeniable heavy-hitters – from Ivy league graduates to certified herbalists. We appreciate diverse perspectives as they fortify our ability to sidestep obstacles and get straight to the bottom lines – impact and profit.
Our Commitment
We are committed to developing and investing in solutions to social problems. By unapologetically building sustainable enterprises – BREAUX and Company is breaking the mold of “impact after profit” and proving commerce, capital leverage, and care can coexist.
Our Vision
The founders of BREAUX and Company envision a world where Black innovators using business models to intentionally improve the collective welfare of Black communities is the norm rather than the outlier. BREAUX and Company is an active channel to this vision.
A Glimpse Of Our Ambition

Leverage Capital
Capital is more than money. When people work together; their expertise, experiences, and economics can be used to achieve multiples of what any individual can achieve alone.

Cash Is Queen
BREAUX and Company understands customers (revenue) are key. Great ideas come a dime a dozen, what separates your success from “should’ve been” is your ability to create product-market fit.

Science + Math
Mathematics & Science – we believe in the simplicity of revenue generation. BREAUX and Company takes the mystery out of building successful businesses without OPM (Other People’s Money).

Put Ya Money Up
For us, equity is paramount in business because trust is essential. We want to build sustainable businesses that change lives of color – not just quickly flip our investments.

Collective Economics
Community-centered design is in the cultural DNA of African people. BREAUX and Company is simply making modern what has already been proven to work.

Behavioral Economics
Changing the world starts with the changing the choices made by individual people. BREAUX and Company uses behavioral science research to facilitate healthier choices in the marketplace.

Value > Noise
New-age thinkers call it abundance, BREAUX and Company calls it an organic opportunity. Our family of companies specialize in delivering impeccable value to everyday people.

We Different
We are doing away with respectability politics that often stifle collaboration and trust. We are a collective of millennials changing the way Black business is done. Our money. Our way.